
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Ignorance is Bliss...Sometimes.

Me; 37 weeks pregnant
While I was pregnant with my first son, 
I had the mentality of 'ignorance is bliss'. I wanted to believe that I would walk into the hospital, spend a little time there and leave with a baby in my arms. Forget all the messy details involved, just as simple as that. I didn't want to hear the truth about it all because it terrified me. I hear that's a common feeling among first-time moms.

The disillusionment was fabulous, until my water broke. Waking up in the middle of the night in that manner was, at the very least, unsettling. Googling:

Certainly didn't feel like that was how it was supposed to go. Quickly realizing those 'horror stories' about labour and child birth would have been mighty helpful at this point. Once I was pretty sure it was for real, I woke my husband and quietly told him what had been happening, he was up out of bed in a millisecond. (Actually, I had never seen him move that fast.)

Of course, the whole process was beautiful and life changing (and kind of gross) but I had a beautiful son out of the deal. I was ecstatic.

Shortly after Mason was born, we decided to have another. (Skip ahead 19 months.) I figured out the second most unsettling feeling about having a baby...that startling moment when you realize ....I remember this pain...oh no..... here we go again...

The MOMster saga continues,



  1. [Unofficial Comment]
    First of all, this scared me but I love it.
    Second of all, i LOVE that you're signing your posts 'A'.

  2. I am so excited to hear all about your mommy adventures. I hope this will help prepare me for one day far, far off when I decide to have a brood of my own. I can't wait for all the ups and downs and maybe some cute pictures of your adorable family. - J

  3. It's a great talent and work to be a good mother. I grew up in a big family (3 brothers and 1 sister) and want to have 3 kids one day. But every time I think about it, I'm getting scared. How did you manage to overcome your fear of labour?

    1. Thanks for your comment, Nadiia. Labour is a scary event, but it's short lived. And the pay off of a baby made it worth while!!

  4. I was the complete opposite when I was pregnant with my first, I read a cazillion books, quizzed my midwives and wrote out a birthing plan. But no amount of planning can prepare anyone for what it's really like when it actually happened. (I don't think one item on my "birthing plan" came true.) I can't wait to read more about those adorable boys and your take on this whole scary parenting role.

  5. My sister had the same mentality as you during her pregnancy. I think I read more books than her! I was so worried she wouldn't know what to do when the baby got here, but everything seems to be going okay so far and it looked like it worked well for you too!

  6. This is an adorable blog, and so was your baby belly! I enjoyed learning about your experiences with the big day of birth and I look forward to continuing to read your blog!
